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TTPS August Quiz
Who is the Arjuna Awardee for Table Tennis for year 2020?
(5 points)
Mouma Das
Manika Batra
Madhurika Patkar
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(Only one attempt)
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  • User with Top Score at month end (If multiple, then 1 lucky user), FREE Subscription of Master Level worth Rs.600/- with 1 game free analysis.
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Terms & Conditions:
  • For each correct answer, the emai id (user) will receive certain points.
  • User can keep accumulating points.
  • Each point is equal to Rs.1/-.
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  • Points can be redeemed against same email ID only.
  • Max 200 points can be redeemed for 1 subscription.
  • 2 or more offers cannot be clubed.
  • Everyone's points will be reset to 0 at start of the month.
  • Terms and Conditions are subject to change.
Hello Champions,
Here is a New Tool, to help a real true TT Player.
The one who keeps trying always at his best. Every player wants to do hard work and enhance his performance day by day, to reach a level so that one day he will become State Champion, then National Champion and some day to bring a Medal for his beloving country.

On this way, he is helped by his parents, his coaches and his friends, giving lots of mental and technical support, encouraging in all possible manner to enhance their skills, ability and finally performance.

But still, as you know, it is a long way to go.
It is a difficult task to continue with same attitude, dedication and will power. You aways want to correct few lacking things so that you can move ahead. But how to know such things and remember them always? How to know what needs to be corrected? How to know our short comings on various parts of game such as Services, Service Returns, different strokes and lots of things?
In such a situation, if you get a mirror which will show you your real performance then how it will be? A mirror which will show your weaknesses, your failuers in balck and white, fearlessly, on paper. The facts will be presented with accuracy. This mirror will reflect your performance in your matches very boldly and correctly. Nothing will be hidden and we think that is what you want.
TTPS tool is such a mirror.

You really need a magnifying glass, to know minor things. A smallest thing can be a major cause of failure. To know such thing is the first requirement. In daily busy schedule, you rarely get time to sit down and look at your perofrmance and find out such minor things.
TTPS will be your magnifying glass.

The modern day scanner scans the body of patient and gives the report. TTPS will give all analysis in form for records, which can be preserved for long, can be viewed at any time and can be looked from various angles. This will let you know on which areas you have to focus more and improve.
Your performance scanner is TTPS.

Our Target is to hand over you such a tool which you can use to scan your performance on your own. Understand the weaknesses and start improving those. You can surely know about your strengths too, which you can fine tune.
So your strengths will turn into your weapons.

Also you can have very good look at your opponents performance. Some times you are losing to a same player. You can surly go through opponents weaknesses too. This can help you to design your strategy next time you play.
This will provide you required clue to build winning strategy.

Lots and lots of benefits of TTPS to a real hardworking TT Player. It is up to him how to use it and what to learn from the facts. The sky is the limit. He has to decide how and how much to progress.

You can make the best use of TTPS and be a Successful Player. Best of Luck !!!
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